Thursday, March 20, 2008


I find it difficult to live without worry because of the many obvious obstacles in my path. I worry about my acceptance to film school, which ultimately leads to stress over my current school work. I can't seem to enjoy myself as much as I used to because of the constant pressure I put on myself. When I feel overwhelmed by an upcoming test, I slowly move away and think of a paper I must complete for another class.. then I detach myself from the current semester and think of the next few semesters I have left; and the tests, papers, and homework they will require. Finally, I face the hardship of completing a portfolio, which is the make-or-break as far as getting accepted is concerned.

Right now, I am finding an exit. I have a Math exam waiting for me at 9am this Saturday. Because of my anxiety and stress, I cannot concentrate and apply myself to understand how to do any of the problems. My desk is filled with more scribbled papers than an Immigration office and all I can think of is throwing them all away. Yet when all hope is lost and I look at a math probem and it tells me to solve; what comes to mind are my own problems which I am in pursuit of solving, and I smile at the irony.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Key Grip

I was determined and eager to get started with film production, and I believe I am finally getting there.

The interview at Coffee Bean must have gone well because I got hired. As you may have imagined, I did not take the job. I scheduled several other interviews, one of which was today, and am still waiting for a call back. One thing I have learned is every production company looking for an intern that I came across was very small, working from a house, and very unprofessional. I was unhappy with their working environment, therefore I declined the first job offer and will probably decline any others.

On Sunday, I was given the opportunity to work as a production assistant/key grip with Shervin Youssefian for a music video he was directing. I am a fan of his work and having the chance to work with his crew was a great experience. We also taped a behind-the-scenes documentary which is going to be shown with the music video on Armenian TV. Overall, it felt right, working with a team of creative people looking to capture the perfect moment on camera. This is the first step and from here on, I won't be waiting around for things to happen. I'm going take action.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Starbuck & Tea Leaf

If you know me at all, you would know I do not support coffee houses. Toddlers in Beverly Hills drink more than two cups of coffee now; and I could swear, both Starbucks and Coffee Bean are the exact same store with a different name and logo. Oh, and if you know me at all, you probably would not believe I bought coffee at Starbucks tonight then walked right across the street to Coffee Bean twenty minutes later. All this took place in Brentwood.. and I burnt my tongue while drinking Earl Grey, which I threw away after two sips.

I had an interview at 7:30 tonight at the great Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf; which I should say is a creative name, but that's beside the point. I waited at Starbucks because I arrived an hour and half early. After arriving at Coffee Bean at 7:20, I sat and waited while I watched a group of young adults crowd together over folders full of paper. I knew it was them who would interview me, but I thought it would be more appropriate to wait for them to approach me. Well, it took them about twenty minutes to do so.. after I got up and left.

The position is as production assistant on a comedic web series. I rather not mention their names or the title of the project, because a simple Google search will open up this blog.. and there goes my chance! In all honestly, I could care less if I get hired. No need for details, but a 12-hour shoot for three straight weekends in Santa Monica are not exactly the ideal choice for me; a student.

In conclusion, I burnt my tongue and I spent valuable time at two coffee shops. Two hours later, we brainstorm for my next move.