Monday, July 28, 2008

You've Got Mail!

After my last entry, I made some phone calls and was pretty certain I was going to cancel the film. I couldn't find a camera, equipment, or even a Director of Photography who was willing to work for no charge. That's until I got an e-mail...

One of the DP's I was waiting to e-mail me back, did. He was willing to meet for lunch on Friday. After not being able to sleep because I was so anxious, I met him at 2pm in Hollywood. Everything went as I hoped it would and I can officially say we are making this film! We have all the equipment we need and his friend works at a rental company and will let us borrow what we don't have.

I keep rewriting the script in my head many times because the story is so complex. I'm currently casting for the film which, I think, is probably the hardest part so far. I'm hoping the script will be ready by the end of this week and we're trying to wrap up the entire film by the end of summer.