Monday, August 25, 2008


Last Tuesday was fairly hectic; I ran across buying miniDV tapes, beverages, rented a boom microphone and even manged to go to Public Storage to pick up my old headphones. As usual, everything went wrong shortly thereafter because the DP was missing his camera. Of course, I called the production off and hired Igori Kamoevi as my DP and scheduled a shoot for Wednesday.

I arrived at Petit Decor around 8:30am with a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. I began setting up our first shot and waited impatiently for everyone to arrive. As Igori and I set up the scene, we realized our camera does not support the boom mic I had rented. This horrified me because I thought we had wasted an entire day but we scrambled back to the store and exchanged it.

We filmed the entire Petit Decor scene and wrapped up around 4pm. Friday, I went back and looked at our dailies at Igori's house and they looked rather nice. Igori suggested we shoot the outdoor scene again in Malibu, just to have a better look with the shadows. Thursday and Friday we will resume with shooting and hopefully wrap the entire film up by the end of this week.

In other news, it was my birthday on Saturday and I finally became 21. Friday, I went out to dinner with my family in Pasadena. On Saturday, Mary, Armineh and Vahe, took me to Malibu were we also had dinner. We celebrated with family at the park on Sunday and everything went great.