Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chasing Nothing

In an unfortunate event yesterday, I found out USC's application for Screenwriting is due December 1st. I must have read wrong because I thought they were all due February 1st, but that's for all other majors. Just my luck.
After being pretty disappointed, I decided it was best not to attempt to rush the process. As of now, I think I'll be applying as a Critical Studies major with a minor in Screenwriting. Of course, I'm still hoping for Chapman (which I'll apply as Film Production with my second-choice being either Screenwriting or Film Studies) but I have to look at each school separately.
Igori is coming over tomorrow afternoon so we can take a look at the rough cut of Amorosa. It will be his first time seeing an edited cut of the film so I'm anxious to hear his suggestions and criticism. We'll also be filming a short film for my Cinema class later that day. It's very small, but hopefully I can make it look good enough for the class to enjoy.
I feel so unmotivated, I feel like life is passing me by and I'm just wasting my time.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


After speaking with Justin, who will be composing the film, I decided it was best if I send him the film through mail. I completed a rough edit of the film last night and also mailed out an update to the cast.

They all seemed to be happy to hear from me, probably because they're more anxious for the film than I am. Impossible. I hate keeping them waiting and everybody else, but I need to take my time.

I'm going to cut a second trailer which Justin will also compose, so in the next few weeks, I'll release the first and second trailers as we officially count the days for the actual film.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've been trying to continue with the process of editing. As I come closer to getting a rough copy of the film, I seem to get nervous. As soon as I make any process, I give up for the night.

The climax of the film is being edited right now, and all I have to do after that is add the narration. It looks like the film will have a running time of about fifteen minutes. I've been playing back the first ten minutes or so, just to see how I feel. I need to work on the transitions because the tone of the film gets lost during each scene.

I came across a composer from a student film forum. I asked him if he'd like to take a look at my film, mainly the scenes that have no sound yet, and see what he could do with them. They may look better with a score and help the overall tone of the film. I hope so.

Other than that, I've been watching the trailer for Revolutionary Road, as much as I can. It inspires me to finish my film, not only so I could have a finished product, but also so I can move onto another idea. Hopefully I'll come back in a week or so and say the official rough copy of the film is ready.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

21 Shots

After being sick multiple times this month (stomach pains, fever, cold, stomach pains), I finally found time to film my first project for film class. Unfortunately, everything went wrong and I'm to blame.
Sure, I procrastinated at first but hadn't imagined I'd become ill three weeks in a row. The shots didn't feel amazing, that's because they weren't amazing. I wish I had the time to frame the shots better, and work on my composition, but I didn't. The street was busy with cars and people, the tripod was horrible (I swear, I'm going to break this thing) and I was losing patience.
An unedited five minute project took up three tapes because I didn't like any of the takes. Until I I finally realized I was going to go over the time limit which meant 5 points off. I was nowhere near finished and kept breaking down. What kind of filmmaker am I? I can't even compile 21 shots? Long shot? Close Up? We mastered these in Amorosa, why not turn that in?
In the end, I'm not happy with the footage and the tape reads 00:05:30. I e-mailed my professor; not to ask for an extension or tell him about my illness, but to admit I didn't give this project everything I possibly could. Even if he doesn't reply, or says he doesn't even have a clue who I am, I felt like I had to do this for me.
Would I have came across the same situation had I planned the project for a week? It's not about the 60 points, it's about what you learned and what you take from it.