Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chasing Nothing

In an unfortunate event yesterday, I found out USC's application for Screenwriting is due December 1st. I must have read wrong because I thought they were all due February 1st, but that's for all other majors. Just my luck.
After being pretty disappointed, I decided it was best not to attempt to rush the process. As of now, I think I'll be applying as a Critical Studies major with a minor in Screenwriting. Of course, I'm still hoping for Chapman (which I'll apply as Film Production with my second-choice being either Screenwriting or Film Studies) but I have to look at each school separately.
Igori is coming over tomorrow afternoon so we can take a look at the rough cut of Amorosa. It will be his first time seeing an edited cut of the film so I'm anxious to hear his suggestions and criticism. We'll also be filming a short film for my Cinema class later that day. It's very small, but hopefully I can make it look good enough for the class to enjoy.
I feel so unmotivated, I feel like life is passing me by and I'm just wasting my time.