Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Best Friend's Girl: World Premiere

I woke up yesterday feeling like I was going to get a fever. I couldn't miss out on class because we were going to have our first math exam. After class ended, I decided I didn't have the energy for Anthropology class and ran home. My head started to ache and I started to feel cold all over. By the time I got home and in bed, I was freezing!

Usually, I wouldn't mind having a fever if I have the chance to rest. Although having a fever is horrible, you have to sleep it off to feel better and that is one of the best sleeps in the world. However, we had a plan; pick up Mary from work at 3:00 and go to Arclight Cinema for the World Premiere of My Best Friend's Girl. I got into bed around 11am and only had a few hours to feel better if we were going to make it. I took medicine, sweated as much as I could, and took a shower. It was almost 3 at this point and I told Mary we should forget about going. Before I knew it, I had already changed my clothes and left the house.

Standing in line was, of course, tiring but well worth it. This theatre wasn't nearly as large as Westwood's for Vicky Cristina Barcelona. We didn't see any stars until after the show ended until we finally saw Dane Cook himself. While walking to the car, I bumped into Jon Lovitz who was casually walking with a small crowd. Such a small, unusual looking man.