Sunday, September 21, 2008


Igori and I finished filming our second unit photography yesterday and began uploading the footage around 4pm. We ended up with four tapes in total, reaching nearly four hours. Everything was going well until I played back one of our uploads and we realized it was grainy! We were about three hours into our footage so there was no way we were going to start all over. I immediately began to panick but tried to conceal it as best as I could. To make a long story short, there must have been a computer error because it turned out fine.

Today, I debated whether I should edit the material at home or work. I ended up transfering the footage to our external hard drive and connecting to Mary's laptop. Then, I connected my HDTV screen to the laptop along with my keyboard. I set this all up in my living room, where I'm in right now. As soon as it was all set up, I plugged in the headphones and realized I only heard the audio from the left side. Of course, I panicked. I rushed back to work to double check the audio there and same problem! I was devestated. Somehow, we captured the audio in monoraul! I immediately burned some unedited footage to a DVD and brought it home. Honestly, it sounds pretty good and I'm very happy with the idea. Woody shoots his films in mono and I believe it gives my film a much more realistic feel. It took a lot of panick and worry to get to this conclusion, though. I thank Mary for her patience.

As far as my living room goes, I feel as if this is the perfect enviornment to work in. It feels right, and when you're doing something as time consuming as editing, you have to work with what feels good. However, I don't like the idea of working through a laptop, so I'm thinking of doing it all at work. I guess I'll end up making my decision tomorrow. I spent a few minutes looking at our footage and I'm pretty impressed. The film may never be as good as I first envisioned it, but at least my audience won't be able to tell. I think editing will be a lot of fun as I tell another story and shape the original one. I have a feeling it's going to take months with my busy schedule.

We're officially in post-production!